Tuesday, May 18, 2021

All UNIX commands for SDET and Manual tester Part-2

Search Commands

grep x file

searches for x in file

grep -i

case insens-itive search

grep -r

recursive search

grep -v

inverted search

grep -o

shows only matched part of the file

find /dir/ -name aaa *

finds files starting with aaa in dir

find /dir/ -user Tom

finds files owned by Tom in dir

find /dir/ -mmin 10

finds files modifed less than 10 minutes ago in dir

find /home -size +500M

finds files larger than 500MB in /xyz

find [/folder/location] -name [x]

finds file names starting with character x

whereis aaa

ocates the binary, source, and manual page of aaa

locate abc

finds the location of abc quickly



Process Management Commands


displays currently running processes

ps PID

gives the status of a particular process


gives the process ID of a process

ps -ef

displays all running processes on the system

ps -ef | grep xyz

displays process information for xyz


displays and manages the top processes


interactive process viewer (top alternative)

kill pid

kills process with process ID of pid

pkill xyz

kills process with name xyz

killall abc

kills all processes named abc

program &

starts program in the background


lists and resumes stopped jobs in the background


brings the most recent background job to foreground.

fg x

brings job x to the foreground


starts a process with a given priority


changes priority of an already running process


displays processes in a tree-like diagram


displays a memory usage map of processes


lists files opened by running processes


Search Commands

command -h / command –help

to review all available options of the “command”

info command

to find info documents about the “command”

whatis command

displays a single line description about the”command”


to view detailed man page of the “command”


used to search man pages for available commands on a specific



File Transfer Commands

scp file.txt server:/tmp

secure copy file.txt to the /tmp folder on server

scp server:/var/www/*.html /tmp

secure copy *.html files in /var/www/ directory on server to

scp -r server:/var/www /tmp

secure copy all files and directories recursively from server to the

rsync -a /home /backups/

synchronize /home to /backups/

rsync -avz /home server:/backups/

Synchronize files/directories between the local and remote



Disk Usage Commands


shows free hard disk space on the system

df -h

shows free and used space on mounted filesystems

df -i

shows free and used inodes on mounted filesystems

fdisk -l

shows free and used inodes on mounted filesystems

du -sh

shows total disk usage off the current directory

du -ah

shows disk usage for all files and directories in readable format


shows free RAM on the system

free -h

shows free and used memory


shows target mount point for all filesystem

mount /xyz /abc

mounts a device in /xyz to /abc



Compress and Decompress Commands

gzip abc

compresses abc file using gzip.

bzip2 abc

compresses abc file using bzip2

tar -czvf archive.tar.gz /home/temp2/

compresses a full directory with all subdirectories

gzip -d xyz.gz

extracts xyz.gz with gzip utility

gunzip xyz.gz

extracts xyz.gz with gzip utility

bzip2 -d file.php.bz2

extracts xyz.gz with bzip2 utility

bunzip2 file.php.bz2

extracts xyz.gz with bzip2 utility

unzip xyz.zip

extracts xyz.zip with zip utility

gunzip -c output.txt.gz

to view the contents of both files without extracting

tar cf archive.tar directory

creates tar named archive.tar containing directory

tar xf archive.tar

extracts the contents from archive.tar

tar czf archive.tar.gz directory

creates a gzip compressed tar file name archive.tar.gz

tar xzf archive.tar.gz

extracts a gzip compressed tar file

tar cjf archive.tar.bz2 directory

creates a tar file with bzip2 compression

tar xjf archive.tar.bz2

extracts a bzip2 compressed tar file


All UNIX commands for SDET and Manual tester Part-3

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