Tuesday, May 18, 2021

All UNIX commands for SDET and Manual tester Part-1

System Information Commands

uname -a

shows Linux system info

uname -r

shows kernel release info

cat /etc/redhat-release

shows installed redhat version


displays system running/life time


shows system host name

hostname -I

shows ip addresses of the host

last reboot

displays system reboot history


displays current date and time


displays monthly calendar


shows mounted filesy-stems



User Information Commands


shows user&group ids of the current user


shows the last users logged on


shows who you are logged in as


shows who is logged into the system


shows who is logged in and what they do

groupadd test

creates group “test”

useradd -c “GK” -m Gokhan

creates “Gokhan” account with comment “GK”

userdel Gokhan

deletes account “Gokhan

usermod -aG Networkers Gokhan

adds account “Gokhan” to the “Networkers” group


File Commands

ls -l

shows file type and access permission

ls -a

lists also hidden files

ls -al

lists files and directories details


shows present directory

mkdir directory

creates a directory

rm xyz

deletes file xyz

rm -r /xyz

deletes directory /xyz and its contents recursively

rm -f abc

forcefully deletes abc file without confirmation

rm -rf /xyz

forcefully deletes directory /xyz recursively

cp aaa bbb

copies aaa file to bbb file

cp -r /xxx /yyy

copies /xxx directıry to /yyy directory

mv aaa bbb

renames or moves file aaa to file bbb

touch abc

creates an empty file named abc

cat abc

used to view file abc

less abc

browse through a text file abc

head abc

displays first 10 lines of file abc

tail abc

displays last 10 lines of file abc

tail -f abc

displays last 10 lines of file abc and follow it as it grows

tail -F abc

outputs last lines of abc as it changes

file abc

gets type of abc

gpg -c abc

encrypts file abc

gpg abc

decrypts file abc


shows files in the current directory

put abc

uploads file ‘abc’ from local to remote device

get file

downloads file ‘abc’ from remote to local device


File Permission

chown user

changes ownership of a file/directory

chown user:group filename

changes user and group for a file or directory

File Permissions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

r (read) permission, 4

w (write) permission, 2

x (execute) permission, 1

-= no permission

File Owner


File Permissions Examples

777 | Owner, Group, Everyone has rwx permissions

744 | Owner has rwx permission, Group, Everyone has r permission

755 | Owner has rwx permission, Group, Everyone has rx permissions

776 | Owner, Group has rwx permission, Everyone has rw

File Owner




ls Options


shows all (including hidden)


recursive list


reverse order


sort by last modified


sort by file size


long listing format


comma--separated output


quoted output


All UNIX commands for SDET and Manual tester Part-2

All UNIX commands for SDET and Manual tester Part-3

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