Docker command |
Meaning |
docker image pull selenium/standalone-chrome |
Here we are pulling
chrome image |
docker image ls |
To list out the available/downloaded images |
docker container create selenium/standalone-chrome |
Here we are creating chrome container --it will return container
id |
container start containerID |
To start container |
container ps |
To check whether container started or not |
docker stop
containerID |
To stop the running container |
docker stop containerID1 containerID2 containerID3 |
To stop the multiple running container at a time |
restart containerID |
To restart the container |
docker images -f "reference=selenium/*:latest" |
It will filter images starting with name ‘selenium’ /* - regular expression with latest version |
docker ps |
you can check the status whether the container is running or
stopped |
docker ps -a |
It will show all the running containers |
docker rm containerID |
It will delete container |
docker stop containerID1 containerID2 containerID3 |
It will delete multiple container at a time |
docker rm imageID |
It will delete image ‘imageID’ |
inspect containerID |
It will allow to inspect the container |
docker kill
containerID |
It will terminate the running container |
docker container run |
It will pull, create and start the container by single command |
docker run -p 4444:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome |
It will map local port 4445 to docker port 4444 |
docker run -p 4444:4444 --name selgrid
selenium/standalone-chrome |
It will map local port 4445 to docker port 4444 with container
name selegrid |
docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --name selgrid
selenium/standalone-chrome |
It will map local port 4445 to docker port 4444 with container
name selegrid and and all
the process will be done in background |
docker container --help |
To seee the docker
commands |
docker exec
–ti containerID /bin /bash |
It will allow you to take inside the container. -t Ã
indicate you want to see the output from the comd
prompt -I -Ã Indicate
that you want to enter some input to cmd promt inside the container |
How to run selenium test cases on
Dockerised selenium grid (Traditional Approach)
1. Download selenium/hub image
2. Download selenium/node-chrome-debug
3. Download selenium/node-Firefox-debug
docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --name selenium-hub
selenium/hub:latest or docker run -d -p 4444:4444 - -restart always --name selenium-hub
selenium/hub:latest |
‘Docker run –d’ Running this docker container in back ground and
‘-p 4444:4444’ mapping the local port 4444 to selenium hub port 4444 and
giving name ‘- - name selenium-hub’
and creating container from ‘selenium/hub:latest’ with latest tag |
docker logs
containerID |
To seee the logs |
http://localhost:4444/grid/console |
Hit the url in browser. You must see
Hub created |
Hub is created, Now our next task
is to link chrome node to selenium hub |
docker run –d - -link selenium-hub:hub
selenium/node-chrome-debug:latest or docker run –d - -link selenium-hub:hub
- -restart on-failure:3 selenium/node-chrome-debug:latest |
Creating node and inking with selenium hub ‘docker run –d’ – To run the command in background ‘- -link selenium-hub:hub’ – linking
with selenium hub with name ‘selenium-hub’ which is acts as hence giving name
as hub ‘:hub’ ‘selenium/node-chrome-debug:latest’ – linking with node with
latest tag |
http://localhost:4444/grid/console |
Refresh the browser and you must be able to see chrome node
created with version |
Similarly, Now link firefox node to selenium hub |
docker run –d - -link selenium-hub:hub
selenium/node-firefox-debug:latest or docker run –d - -link selenium-hub:hub
- -restart on-failure:3 selenium/node-firefox-debug:latest |
Creating node and inking with selenium hub ‘docker run –d’ – To run the command in background ‘- -link selenium-hub:hub’ – linking
with selenium hub with name ‘selenium-hub’ which is acts as hence giving name
as hub ‘:hub’ ‘selenium/node-firefox-debug:latest’ –
linking with node with latest tag |
http://localhost:4444/grid/console |
Refresh the browser and you must be able to see firefox node created with version |
Here we have created two node – if you have to connect again one
firefox or chrome node, simply run docker run –d - -link selenium-hub:hub
selenium/node-firefox-debug:latest |
http://localhost:4444/grid/console |
Refresh the browser and you must be able to see three node 1
chrome node and 2 firefox |
Container Restart policy-
Suppose you are executing test suit of 100 test cases and at 5th test case your Container got crashed in that
case all rest of the test cases will be failed. In this scenario, restart policy is very important and good practice.
No(Default) |
This is default flag |
On Failure |
When container crashes then only docker daemon will restart the
container |
Always |
Container will restart always unless docker daemon stopped |
Unless-stopped |
Restart always until manually stopped |
How to update container with restart policy |
docker update - -restart on-failure:2 containerID |
Restart policy will be applied to particular container , It is updating a container with restart policy on failure 2
times |
inspect containerID |
you can check the container restart policy by inspectin git |
How to run selenium test cases on
Dockerised selenium grid- Docker Compose file
1. Create docker-compose.yaml file in eclipse
2. Open command promt
3. Go to docker-compose file
4. Entre below commands
docker-compose up or docker-compose up -d |
It will execute compose file with extension .yaml,
also you can see the logs It will run in background |
–f selenium-compose.yaml up |
Or If your docker compose file name is different, you can us can
use this command |
docker-compose down |
It will stop your compose file |
ps |
To see what an all serices and
container there in docker compose file |
docker-compose scale chrome=5 |
It will create 4 new chrome instances as 1 is already there in
compose file. Chrome –it Is service name in docker-compose file |
Refer docker-compose file
version: "3"
image: selenium/hub:latest
restart: always
- "4444:4444"
image: selenium/node-chrome-debug:latest
- /dev/shm:/dev/shm
- selenium-hub
- HUB_HOST=selenium-hub
- HUB_PORT=4444
restart: on-failure:3
image: selenium/node-chrome-debug:3.141.59-zinc
- /dev/shm:/dev/shm
- selenium-hub
- HUB_HOST=selenium-hub
- HUB_PORT=4444
restart: on-failure:3
image: selenium/node-firefox-debug:latest
- /dev/shm:/dev/shm
- selenium-hub
- HUB_HOST=selenium-hub
- HUB_PORT=4444
restart: on-failure:3
Real time Dashboard:
Important Link:
started with elastic search
elastic search with docker
variable configuration
Docker command
docker run
-p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 --name elasticsearch -e
"discovery.type=single-node" |
To run elastic search |
http://localhost:9200/ |
To check elastic search is up and running |
docker run
-p 5601:5601 --name kibana --link elasticsearch:elasticsearch |
To run Kibana |
http://localhost:5601/ |
To check elastic search and kibana is up and running |
Once elastic search is up and running, you can push your data to elastic search as shown below
URI - http://localhost:9200/world/countries
End point - http://localhost:9200/ Index – world Type - countries
To see data in elastic, download chrome extension for elastic search: 1. Type elastic search chrome extension in google 2. Install ‘Elastic search head’ the extension 3. Launch the extension by clicking on elastic search head extension You can see all your data in elastic using its extension.
***Manager your Docker container
using Portainer
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock portainer/portainer |
To run portainer |
http://localhost:9000/ |
To check portainer is up and running |
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