Saturday, August 13, 2022

Run Selenium tests on Dockerized Grid on EC2 step by step guide - Part 2


Run selenium test on Docker grid on EC2 server

To be continue,

- Select ‘Create new Key pair
- Type Key pair name ‘DockerisedASeleniumGrid
- Click on launch instance
- DockerisedASeleniumGrid.pem will be downloaded automatically to login to EC2 instance using SSH

- Success message
- That means EC2 instance successfully created

6. On EC2 dashboard you can see EC2 instance ID. I have provided name it as ‘Ec2_docker’

7. Now let’s login to EC2 instance using SSH
- Open command prompt
- Go to the location(download) where DockerisedSeleniumGrid.pem file is downloaded.
- Use below command
“ssh -i DockerisedSeleniumGrid.pem ec2-user@ec2_public_ip_address”

If you are able to see Amazon Linux 2 AMI, means you are successfully logged in to your server. - shown below

- Update packages using the command “sudo yum update”

We have successfully created and launch the EC2 successfully, Now our next job is to install docker on EC2. 
Check the below link

To go to previous post, click on below link

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