Thursday, September 23, 2021

SDET : Get rid of the boilerplate code in properties based configuration.


Reading property file made easly with Owner library


In test automation we need to read properties from external source as a file. In many cases you need to override some properties when doing integration testing and sometime we need to change the property value at runtime. Here Owner library is the best suited for managing the properties.



Let’s imagine we will use a property file to manage the different data and/or configuration for a web test. We have this file as an example:






How to Implement:

1.      Import the Owner library.

<script src=""></script>


1.      Create an interface and extends Config from package ‘org.aeonbits.owner.Config

2.      Define the properties file location

3.      Define the properties with the same name we have in the properties file.

Owner will do the trick automatically it will map the property automatically with property name defined in property file as shown in above code snippet.

For example:

If you defined String browser() attribute in the class same as property in properties file.

4.      @DefaultValue annotation will be used to if you do not have property defined in the file but you want to use the property then you can use this annotation.

5.      @Key this annotation will map the attribute name with poperty file key.

6.      In case if you have composite name url.base

you can use the @Config.Key annotation to associate the property in the file into the class.



How to read the values from the properties file


<script src=""></script>


1.      FrameworkConfig class and attribute receiving the ConfigFactory.create(FrameworkConfig.class). This line will tell Owner to load the  file and associate all the properties and values to the FrameworkConfig  class.

2.      We are using the attribute FrameworkConfig to read the properties values. Each method will return the corresponding property value.

3.      Below Screenshot, we are merging two property file

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