Friday, October 30, 2020

Top SQL interview question and Answer for SDET/Manual Testers- Set 2

What are thr Components of an HTTP Request?
HTTP Request methods - PUT, POST, DELETE
-Base Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
-Resources and Parameters
-Request header, which carries metadata
-Request body, which indicates the message contents

Top SQL interview question and Answer for SDET/Manual Testers - Set 1


Queries based on the above tables:

Simple Queries:

1. List all the employee details
SQL > Select * from employee;

2. List all the department details
SQL > Select DEPARTMENT_ID from Employee;

3. List all job details
SQL > Select JOB_ID from Employee;

4. List all the locations
SQL > Select loc from Employee;

5. List the latest updated record
select * from Employee where HIREDATE=(select max(HIREDATE) from Employee)

6. List out first name, last name, salary, commission for all employees
SQL > Select first_name, last_name, salary, commission from employee;

7. List out employee_id,last name,department id for all employees and rename employee id as “ID of the employee”, last name as “Name of the employee”, department id as “department ID”

SQL > Select employee_id “id of the employee”, last_name “name", department id as “department id” from employee;

8. List out the employees anual salary with their names only.

SQL > Select last_name, salary*12 “annual salary” from employee

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Latest top 10 API Interview Questions and Answer Set 3

1. Difference Between PUT and Patch 
Both are used for updating a resource on the server. 
PUT: Replaces the whole object 
PATCH: Replaces a particular field of an object  

2. What is JSON Schema
It is document/Structure or Format that is used to validate Formatting Syntax, Data types, Structure & Content of JSON message. It can be used to validate JSON message also.

To validate API request and Response in JSON format

 JSON schema built on the top of processing of API request to validate input API request before proceeding.

3. Explain process of pushing the code and creating a pull request in GIT. 
a) git clone “repo-url” 

b) make changes to the code. 

c) git add . //add those changes(or staging) 

d) git status //to check changes moved to staging

e) git commit -m”commit message” 

f) git push 


g) git checkout -b “branch-name” //for creating a branch 

h) git branch //check if branch created or available branches

i) git checkout “branch name” //Switch to branch

 Here you successfully switch to branch. Now you can push your code by “git push”


 3. Difference b/w http and https

  • HTTP URL in your browser’s address bar is http:// and the HTTPS URL is https://.
  • HTTP is unsecured while HTTPS is secured.
  • HTTP sends data over port 80 while HTTPS uses port 443.
  • HTTP operates at application layer, while HTTPS operates at transport layer.
  • No SSL certificates are required for HTTP, with HTTPS it is required that you have an SSL certificate and it is signed by a CA.
  • HTTP doesn’t require domain validation, where as HTTPS requires at least domain validation and certain certificates even require legal document validation.
  • No encryption in HTTP, with HTTPS the data is encrypted before sending.

4. Most Used Authentication Methods

• Basic

• API Key

• Bearer

• OAuth

• Cookie bases Authentication

    Basic Authentication
            This is the most straightforward method and the easiest. With this method, the sender places a username: password into the request header. The username and password are encoded with Base64, which is an encoding technique that converts the username and password into a set of 64 characters to ensure safe transmission.

    API Key:

Some APIs use API keys for authorization. An API key is a token that a client provides when making API calls. The key can be sent in the query string: or as a request header, or as a cookie:
API keys are supposed to be a secret that only the client and server know. Like Basic authentication, API key-based authentication is only considered secure if used together with other security mechanisms such as HTTPS/SSL.

    Bearer Authentication:
Bearer authentication (also called token authentication) is an HTTP authentication scheme that involves security tokens called bearer tokens.
The name “Bearer authentication” can be understood as “give access to the bearer of this token.” The bearer token allowing access to a certain resource or URL and most likely is a cryptic string, usually generated by the server in response to a login request.
The client must send this token in the Authorization header when making requests to protected resources:
Authorization: Bearer <token>

    OAuth (2.0):
The previous versions of this spec, OAuth 1.0 and 1.0a, were much more complicated than OAuth 2.0. The biggest change in the latest version is that it is no longer required to sign each call with a keyed hash. The most common implementations of OAuth use one or both of these tokens instead:
access token: sent like an API key, it allows the application to access a user’s data; optionally, access tokens can expire.
refresh token: optionally part of an OAuth flow; refresh tokens retrieve a new access token if they have expired. OAuth2 combines Authentication and Authorization to allow more sophisticated scope and validity control.

OAuth 2.0 is the best choice for identifying personal user accounts and granting proper permissions. In this method, the user logs into a system. That system will then request authentication, usually in the form of a token. The user will then forward this request to an authentication server, which will either reject or allow this authentication. From here, the token is provided to the user, and then to the requester. Such a token can then be checked at any time independently of the user by the requester for validation and can be used over time with strictly limited scope and age of validity.

This is fundamentally a much more secure and powerful system than the other approaches, mainly because it allows for the establishment of scopes which can provide access to different parts of the API service and since the token is revoked after a certain time - makes it much harder to re-use by attackers.

   Cookie bases Authentication:
Cookie authentication uses HTTP cookies to authenticate client requests and maintain session information. It works as follows:

The client sends a login request to the server.
On the successful login, the server response includes the Set-Cookie header that contains the cookie name, value, expiry time and some other info. Here is an example that sets the cookie named JSESSIONID:
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=abcde12345; Path=/; HttpOnly

The client needs to send this cookie in the Cookie header in all subsequent requests to the server.

Cookie: JSESSIONID=abcde12345

On the logout operation, the server sends back the Set-Cookie header that causes the cookie to expire.


5. What is API Gateway.

 The API Gateway encapsulates the internal system architecture and provides an API that is tailored to each client. It might have other responsibilities such as authentication, monitoring, load balancing, caching, request shaping and management, and static response handling.

The API Gateway is responsible for request routing, composition, and protocol translation. All requests from clients first go through the API Gateway. It then routes requests to the appropriate microservice. The API Gateway will often handle a request by invoking multiple microservices and aggregating the results. It can translate between web protocols such as HTTP and WebSocket and web‑unfriendly protocols that are used internally.

06. How to set up proxy in Postman?
Go to Settings--> Proxy-->Add a custom proxy configuration-->Provide Proxy Details

07. How to add certificates in Postman?
Go to Settings--> Certificates -->Import-->Add Certificate

08. What will be response code you will get after using wrong Json payload?
400- Bad request

09. What is response code you will get if server is down or not responding?
500 server error

10. When you get 201?
201 response code we will as 'created' with post call


12: What is web services

1. What tool to use for API testing?

3. Collections and parameters in Postman?

4. Where to check status code and headers in Postman?

5. How to set global variable in Postman?

6. How to use authentication and authorization in Postman?

7. Check response meesage in Postman?t

8. How to download the response of a request using Postman?

9 How to use collection runner?

10. Cookies and Headers also we need to validate apart from status code and response body?

11. What type of status codes you have worked ?

12. Which one has the higher priority in Postman? A global variable or a local variable?

13: Whar are the types of workspace in Postman?

14. How to run the requests in collection for multiple times?

Ans: got to Collection Runner and define the number of times require to execute the requests in "Iterations" inputbox

15. How to give delay between iteration cycle in POstman while running collection?

Ans: Use the Delay inputbox, the default time unit is in ms.

16. What are the methods in API you have used?


17. How you get request details or end points in your project and test it?

Ans: Swagger or confluence and append your server address with request in Postman.

18. How to set up proxy in Postman?

Ans: Go to Settings--> Proxy-->Add a custom proxy configuration-->Provide Proxy Details

19. How to add certificates in Postman?

Ans: Go to Settings--> Certificates -->Import-->Add Certificate

20. What variables we have in POSTMAN?

Ans: Global and Environment

2. Different HTTP Methods you are aware of in API Testing. 

GET: Fetches a resource from the server 

POST: Creates a new resource on the server. 

PUT: Updates an existing resource on the server. 

DELETE: Deletes a resource on the server 

PATCH: Updates an existing resource on the server. 

3. Commonly used Status Codes for API Testing. 

200: OK 

201: Created 

400: Bad Request 

401: Unauthorized 

403: Forbidden 

404: Not Found 

500: Internal Server Error 

503: Service Unavailable 

4. Explain your project framework? (this question is asked in all rounds) 

5. Git Commands for pushing code to the repository. 

What the interviewer meant was to tell him the process I follow from cloning the repository to push the code and creating a pull request. 

a) git clone “repo-url” 

b) git checkout -b “branch-name” //for creating a branch 

c) make changes to the code. 

d) git add . //add those changes(or staging) 

e) git commit -m”commit message” 

f) git push 

g) Creating a pull request from the Github UI to merge the branch to master. 

6). Different types of waits in Selenium. 

You can check this article: Waits in Selenium. 

7. What happens If I put both implicit and explicit code in my selenium code? 

I was like we should not use both waits together according to Selenium official documentation. 

8. Difference b/w Delete and truncate. 

DELETE: The contents of the table cannot be rolled back. It’s permanently deleted 

TRUNCATE: The tables data is temporarily deleted and can be rolled back if required. 

9. SQL query to select rows in which the date is greater than a particular date. 

SELECT * from table_name WHERE date_col > 'date' 

10. SQL query to select only rows that don’t have values in a particular column. 

SELECT * from table_name WHERE col_name IS NULL; 

11. Test cases for booking movie ticket. 

12. Test Cases for login functionality(both UI and API) 

13. Java program to count occurrences of words in a String.(Click to view program) 

Round 2 : 

1. Introduction 

2. What is Kafka? (Mentioned in my resume) 

3. What is API? With Example? 

API(Application Programming Interface) is an interface between two applications. Therefore it enables us to transfer data between these two applications. 

For Example: 

In a Client-Server architecture, the Client requests data from a server and the server responds with the requested data. 

You might be wondering where API is? 

API can be sitting on the server: 

1. Taking your request 

2. Feting data from the database. 

3. Returning you the response 

Hence acting as an interface between your request and the database. 

4. Difference between status codes 410 and 403 

401: Unauthorized Access. This means you are not able to login to the application because of a wrong username or password. 

403: Forbidden. This means you are already logged in to the application but don’t have permission to access the resource. 

5. Difference between 500 and 503 

500: Internal Server Error i.e., the server is not able to handle your request. 

503: Service Unavailable i.e., the server is available but the service is not available. 

6. Difference Between PUT and Patch 

Both are used for updating a resource on the server. 

PUT: Replaces the whole object 

PATCH: Replaces a particular field of an object 

1. what is an API? 

2. Whats the diff between Rest vs SOAP 

3. What are the different http methods 

4. What are the different status codes and when will they occur? 

5. what are the different ways you validate XML response? 

6. What are the different ways you validate rest api response 

7. How do you use POJO’s? Sample POJO code for a Json 

8. How do you pass payload to rest api call during automation? 

9. Explain your automation framework? 

10. Explain challenges that you face during automation of rest api’s 

11. What are the diff types of testing you do with an API 

12. what is the diff between regular calls vs oauth calls? 

13. How do you test security testing using API’s 

14. How do you do performance testing with API’s 

15. what is the different between Put vs Patch 

Latest top 10 API Interview Questions and Answer Set 1

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Latest top 10 Basic API Interview Questions and Answer Set 2

1. What is JSON?
  • JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.
  • JSON is a lightweight format for storing and transporting data.
  • JSON is often used when data is sent from a server to a web page.
  • JSON is "self-describing" and easy to understand. 

2: What is the difference between an API and a Web service?
An API is an interface that allow applications to communicate with one another, while a web service is a network-based resource that fulfills a specific task. 
Webservices : --->
API: --->

All web services are APIs, but not all APIs are web services.
Web services must require a network while APIs can be on- or offline.

3. What tool to use for API testing?
  • Postman
  • Rest Assured
  • Katalon
  • Karate
  • Tricentis TOSCA
  • UFT
  • Jmeter

4. What all http code return on CRUD operations? 
      What type of status codes you have worked ?
  • 200 OK - It’s the basic status code to tell the client everything went good
  • 201 Created - It defines that the resource has been created successfully
  • 200 OK - Most of the GET actions return with a 200 OK status.
  • 206 Partial Content - This response code indicates that the request has succeeded and has the body contains the requested ranges of data, as described in the Range header of the request.
  • 404 Not Found - API could not find what requested
  • 200 OK - This is the most appropriate code for most use-cases.
  • 204 No Content - A proper code for updates that don’t return data to the client
  • 202 Accepted - It shows that the update has been succeeded. 
  • 200 OK - Some people think a delete function of any kind should return the deleted element, so a representation of the deleted element can be included in the response body.
  • 204 No Content - It tells the client the deletion is complete and return no response body (as the resource has been deleted).
  • 202 Accepted - If the deletion is asynchronous and takes some time, which is the case in distributed systems, it can be appropriate to return this code with some information or URL to tell the client when it will be deleted.

5. What is difference between Authentication and Authorization in Postman?
Authentication is about validating your credentials such as Username/User ID and password to verify your identity.
Authorization occurs after Authentication, Which determines your rights to grant you access of perticular resources.

6. How to set up proxy in Postman?
Postman-->Go to Settings--> Proxy-->Add a custom proxy configuration-->Provide Proxy Details

7. How to add certificates in Postman?
Go to Settings--> Certificates -->Import-->Add Certificate

8. Commonly used Status Codes for API Testing. 

200: OK
201: Created
204: No Content
400: Bad Request
401: Unauthorized
403: Forbidden
404: Not Found
500: Internal Server Error
503: Service Unavailable


9. Difference between status codes 410 and 403 
401: Unauthorized Access. This means you are not able to login to the application because of a wrong username or password.
403: Forbidden. This means you are already logged in to the application but don’t have permission to access the resource. 

10. Difference between 500 and 503 
500: Internal Server Error i.e., the server is not able to handle your request.
503: Service Unavailable i.e., the server is available but the service is not available. 

11. Postman feature provide below feature
1. Web service Client 
2. Manual Testing 
3. Automation testing - Data driven approach 
4. API Mocking 
5. API Monitoring 
6. Schema validation 
7. Newman - Integration with Jenkins 
8. API documentation 
9. Share collections 

12.How do you start API testing in a Sprint. -
1) Story details will be available in JIRA or any other agile management tools.
2) Understand the scope of the story and check any flow diagram is present, environment details, sample requests and responses, authentication types, any third party payload is getting called internally and find the data mapping sheet.
3) Prepare test cases
4) Start to validate the service by hitting valid endpoint URL with authentication (both positive and negative scenarios)
5) Capture the responses
6) Automate the scenarios in any automation based on client requirements
7) verify the swagger details to ensure the value of request is number or String

13) Challenges we faced during API Testing
It's a huge list let me highlight few things

1. Third party webservices will be down (which we are calling internally)
2. Mapping sheet info will not be updated properly so that we might end up incorrect validations.
3. In the limited amount of time we will not be able to test all the positive and negative scenarios
4. We should not assume anything in webservices testing it will backfire us so always get the clarification for all the things.
5. If you don’t know the method allows you to send string type and you pass integer! Or sending an empty parameter. Validation of parameter is necessary

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***************************************** How to install Java on EC2 ***************************************** To be continued, In this post...

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